Energy Electricity Security Emissions Cost Food Docs Community
Solar panels for hot water 1 2 3 4
Farm power Index 1 2 3 4
Agricultural fuel mix 1 2 3 4
Domestic transport Policy 1 2 3 4
Shift to zero emission transport 1 2 3 4
Choice of fuel cells or batteries 1 2 3 4
Shift Freight off roads 1 2 3 4
International aviation 1 2 3 4
International shipping 1 2 3 4
Urban: Lighting and appliances 1 2 3 4
Rural: Lighting and appliances 1 2 3 4
Industry output growth 1 2 3 4
Energy technology in industry 1 2 3 4
Commercial demand for cooling 1 2 3 4
Commercial lighting and appliances 1 2 3 4
Fertility and population growth 1 2 3 4
Protein Source 1 2 3 4
Nutrition Intake 1 2 3 4
Growth in gross domestic product 1 2 3 4
Coal power capacity 1 2 3 4
Coal power technology 1 2 3 4
Gas power stations 1 2 3 4
Liquid fuel power stations 1 2 3 4
Nuclear power stations 1 2 3 4
Offshore wind 1 2 3 4
Onshore wind 1 2 3 4
Small-scale wind 1 2 3 4
Wave 1 2 3 4
Tidal range 1 2 3 4
Solar panels for electricity 1 2 3 4
Geothermal electricity 1 2 3 4
Hydroelectric power stations 1 2 3 4
Access to electricity grid 1 2 3 4
Electricity imports 1 2 3 4
Gas imports 1 2 3 4
Coal imports 1 2 3 4
Bioenergy from marginal land 1 2 3 4
Bioenergy from agri land 1 2 3 4
End use bioenergy 1 2 3 4
Waste to energy conversion 1 2 3 4


Question marks take you to one page descriptions of each choice
The least effort possible on this choice.
Viewed as ambitious, but reasonable by most experts.
Viewed as unlikely without significant change from the current system and/or significant technological breakthroughs
The upper end of what is thought to be physically plausible by the most optimistic observer.
Total supplied by the model1Primary energy supply is normally higher than final energy demand because of the energy used to generate electricity and energy conversion.
Targets2The targets relate to 2 tCO2 challenge. The targets are automatically adjusted for changes in population.
Total3The total includes the reduction in emissions from growing new biomass to replace that used (the bioenergy credit).
We would like your help to develop this tool further. Please visit BD2050 Forum to discuss and to find out more about our methodology and suggest improvements.

Balancing electricity supply and demand

GW of conventional gas electricity generation plant has been assumed to have been built by 2050, to cover the gap between average electricity demand and the amount of low carbon generation selected in this pathway.

This tool does not model the hourly, daily or even seasonal operation of the electricity grid. It presents annual averages. Therefore it does not correctly represent the peaks and troughs of electricity demand.

To go some way to addressing this flaw, the tool applies a simulated stress test to your pathway of five cold, almost windless, days. This is described in more detail here. In this case, the stress test implies that GW of additional peaking plant may be required for supply to meet demand over that period.

You can influence the amount of peaking plant by changing your choice level of 'storage, demand shifting & interconnection' below right,or by reducing the amount of intermittent renewable generation, or by reducing the demand for electricity

Dependence on imported energy

The calculator assumes that any available biomass is preferred over fossil fuels and that domestically produced fuels are preferred over imports.It assumes that fossil fuels are imported to cover any shortfall.


Diversity of energy sources

There may be a benefit from maintaining a diversity of energy sources:

Proportion of energy supply20072050